Everyone has their own formula for the number of accounts and the amount of money they put in them. I figured. Depending on their lifestyle and budget, people divide accordingly. Keeping to the setup of my finances is very important to financial stability. The general accounts that many people consider are:

  • Savings
  • Checking
  • Credit Card
  • Emergency Fund
  • Brokerage
  • Individual Retirement
Currently my financial accounts percentage setup is:

At my stage in life, I have no need for an emergency fund nor do I have or want to use a credit card until I feel the need for a good-standing credit score.

So, here is what I hope my finance allotment would look like by the time I accomplish my short-term goal:

A person's personality and age often determines how he/she uses and disperses their money.
  • Big spender/Teens and young adults - Allocate more in checking and credit card accounts.
  • Risk Taker/Young adults - Allocate more in brokerage and emergency fund accounts.
  • Conservative/Mature adults and elders - Allocate more in savings and retirement accounts.
I'm the conservative type but I'm young and curious, particularly in business and the stock market, so I allow myself to entertain my interests. BUT I will be working to reach my ideal setup.


Anonymous said... @ October 25, 2007 at 4:29 PM

nice to see a young adult trying to take care of their money early. seems like you will have a stable financial future.

good luck

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