Today, I signed up online for a Roth IRA through Scottrade. It feels great!
Even though I won't be moving funds over any time soon. I'm definitely looking at mutual funds for possible candidates in my portfolio since several great funds have re-opened and the market seems to have become much less volatile compared to the previous month.
Also, Scottrade has given me a complimentary gift: a 12-month subscription to SmartMoney magazine. Nice!
[Thursday, February 28, 2008
Sorry (really sorry) to post this as a comment, but for the life of me I could not find a personal email.
I am blogging for The Miami Herald, writing about my attempts to shave 10% off my already slender budget.
I am a college graduate. I don't have ANY savings plans. I live off what I make.
My blog is called Heavy Thrifting; please check it out, it's my first.
I really like your blog. I'm adding it to my "blogroll." Any reciprocal publicity would be a beautiful thing.
Thank you!
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