Hope everyone had a merry Christmas!

This Christmas, as with many past years, gifts are hardly the main attraction of this holiday in my home. Brought up by first generation immigrant parents, we do not share the common American tradition of exchanging presents.

Our typical celebration, as with many other holidays, includes having a large family gathering where grandparents, uncles, aunts, and cousins come to spend time together. It gives us an opportunity to see the relatives and catch up on the latest happenings of their lives. A great time results from simply activities such as cooking, eating, gambling, talking, and playing. Oh, and what about the adorable baby twins?!

Society presents Christmas with as the day for GIFTS. While that may be just what is on everyone's minds, the day provides many things people rarely receive in a fast paced world such as a day of from work which they can then spend with family.

Though I did find a way to treat myself to something at the cost of $0. A free copy of Quicken Premier 2007 and virtually unlimited free PSP games!!!

"The best things in life are free."


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